Wednesday, February 26, 2014

St Paul to St Pete

Bob has been studying maps for the last month, anticipating every weather possibility in this crazy winter of extreme cold and heavy snow. He became a AAA member a few weeks ago, and merrily ordered TripTiks from the very personable Emily at the Roseville office. "You can have as many as you want", she said, piling travel books into bags for every state we will drive through. So much for the house decluttering project!

The TripTiks finally arrived last week. One route takes us south on US52, through Iowa. In case threatened blizzard conditions prevail tomorrow morning, we have another route too, east on 94 via Madison, Wisconsin. Either way, we will probably spend Thursday night in Mount Vernon, Illinois. Nearly 24 hours in a vehicle, over three days. With colder than normal temperatures over the entire route, I think it will be awhile before we shed our warm clothes!

Our Bags Aren't Packed ...

...but nearly everything else is done. Our suitcases aren't yet down from the attic, since Bob always wants to postpone upsetting the cat as long as possible. After years of resistance, I've now bought into his strategy. On this frigid late February morning, Minou is purring happily at my feet.

We'll finish last minute preparations the house will be ready for son Chris to take up residence after we leave tomorrow. It's been a long, cold winter!