Monday, March 31, 2014

Back in the Midwest

Downtown Nashville at rush hour
We're a long way from Florida!

This morning Bob was in the shower very early and ready for breakfast when the buffet opened at 6:00 a.m. I felt a little nervous heading out into the cold Tennessee morning, because of freezing temperatures overnight. However, Bob headed into the hills with confidence and the beauty of the mist lifting off the ground was breathtaking. Felt like a balmy Halloween.

We slipped into the Central time zone shortly after our departure and hit Nashville at the height of rush hour. While navigation through downtown is complicated, the GPS and freeway signs are perfect, and Bob is a cool, level-headed driver. We drove behind a cop in the HOV lane for part of the way.

After Nashville, traffic diminished and, suddenly, the flowering trees were gone. Kentucky looked like "pre-spring" but the morning chill was warmed by the sociable staff at the Kentucky Welcome Center. The daffodils made me wonder whether last fall's plantings will yield happy results ... before June, I hope.

Love the green outbuilding
Gradually, the winds rose and we began to freeze in our shorts and summer tees. We saw snow beside the freeway and ice on some little lakes. After 679 miles on the road, I was totally beat but Bob seemed amazingly fresh, even after doing all the driving. We got a room at the Fairfield Marriott in Rockford, and had dinner at Ruby Tuesday's next door.

We're back in the Midwest, close to home.